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Tailtiu Privacy Policy.

Tailtiu Languages and Travel currently consists of four interconnected websites: 

Henceforth in the following document, they are referred to as 'Our sites'. 

Our site servers automatically recognise the IP address of visitors to the sites and also the browser and operating system. Our sites not collect personal information on site visitors.

Our sites do use cookies to track visitor numbers and website use, and your information’s usage is subject to the respective privacy policies of the services which can be seen at the links provided in the text below, which outlines their use by, or relationship to our sites. 

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If you wish to have your e-mail and information deleted, you can contact Tailtiu through our sites or our Facebook Messenger app and all relevant information will be removed from our files. 

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For more information, please check the Google Privacy Policy here for information on data collection.

Social Media.

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©Tailtiu Languages and Travel, 2024. The author asserts their moral right to be identified as the creator of the work contained on this website and that unless otherwise and explicitly stated, all work herein is the intellectual property of the author. All original content of the author on this website has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright belongs to its author and that no quotation from the work and no information derived from it may be published without appropriate acknowledgement or a direct link to the work's location on this site. 

This website may occasionally display content not belonging to the owners of,, and and this content is used under the principle of fair use, with appropriate accreditation to the intellectual authors of said content. 


The information contained on the sites https://teacherdevelopment.tailtiu.orghttps://learningenglish.tailtiu.org and is for the purpose of general information, it is the opinion of the author and is supplied in good faith. The owners of these sites try to keep information as accurate, relevant and up to date as possible. However, no representations or warranties of any kind are made for any purpose, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, authenticity or suitability of the information, products or services displayed on these sites. Any reliance the website user may place on this website’s content and the information herein is made at their own risk. It is suggested that further information be sought to determine or confirm whether any information, services products displayed herein are appropriate for any intended use or function. This also applies to any external links supplied on our websites. 

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